Happy Tuesday! In today's top ten post I am sharing my top ten daily habits. These are not all concrete daily habits of mine yet, but this is the goal for me everyday. In 2018 I am going to try to incorporate these 10 habits to make me more productive, healthier, and less stressed. ONE - MAKE YOUR BED As soon as you get out of bed in the morning you should make it. I have heard this so many times, but it makes so much sense, because once you make your bed you won't get back in it. Secondly by making your bed first thing in the morning your space will look much more tidy, especially living in a dorm room, and third you will have already completed your first task of the day, which they say helps you to be more productive! TWO - MEDITATE Over the last few months I have read many different articles and blog posts about how meditating can really help you to relieve stress, so this is a habit that I really want to start doing this year. THREE - JOURNAL Along with...