April 2016 Favorites

Over the month of April I have picked up many new amazing products, from beauty to food and fashion. It has been such a busy month with the APUSH test, Junior Prom, the SAT, I spoke at an awards ceremony and many other events!

My first favorite is the book, do less; A minimalist guide to a simplified, organized, and happy life by Rachel Jonat. This book was amazing, I love organization and this really opened my eyes to things that I was doing inefficiently and how I could be more productive and have less stress. I HIGHLY recommend this. If you would like to read it, you can find it here.

My next favorite is a "techy" product, around Easter I got the Fitbit Alta which I have been really enjoying. Everyday you are suppose to meet your goal of 10,000 steps...unfortunately some days I have been unable to meet this goal, but I love this motivation it gives me to move more! It is a great product, I have it synced with my iPhone so that when someone calls or texts I get a notification on the screen of my Fitbit. There is also an active mode that tracks the length of your workouts which is a great feature. Probably my favorite feature is the silent alarms. You set alarms on your phone and then when they go off your phone vibrates, this way no one around you is disturbed and if you don't have your phone with you, you still are reminded by your alarm.

Over the past month, besides prom, I really haven't been wearing any makeup, besides brown mascara. I love my blonde hair by my eyelashes are clear. The mascara I use, I have it in both brown and black because I love it so much, it is the CoverGirl lashblash mascara

Happy May, I hope you have a wonderful month!


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