[my family dropping me off at college move-in day]

WOW, it’s been a hot minute, or 46 days, since I last posted. Let's just say I have been SO busy. I started college this year and let me tell you, it's so different from high school. I feel like I am being pulled into a million directions and nothing is getting done how I normally would like it. So, unfortunately blogging has been nonexistent. This past weekend however, I was able to work on the blog a little bit, which has made me so happy and started to make me feel a little bit more like myself!

I really did not expect this to be as big of a transition as people alluded to, but guess what? It has been. When you go away to school, it literally becomes your entire life. Just attempting to keep up with reading to prepare for classes is practically a full-time job, let alone all of the other assignments. Moving away from home, has also been super weird…having a roommate for the first time in my entire life is also totally new. There have just been so many new adjustments to my life these past two months.

So, because of all of these new stressors, I have been feeling really overwhelmed. Because of this I haven’t really been feeling like myself. This has led me to implement a few new things into my daily routine and to prioritize other things that in the first month of college I hadn’t.

First, I started by purchasing a Bible at the book store two weeks ago. This has actually made such a difference in my mental health. Just reading the Bible has felt so grounding. After buying a new Bible I have gone through and found verses that really remind me that God is with me. I have also been continuing to read my devotional that I started toward the beginning of this year, you can find that here. I read it on my MacBook Kindle app everyday after my morning classes.

After I read my devotion I have started journaling. I write down everything that comes to mind at the moment. This is sometimes to do lists or I write down everything that is stressing me out. I like to take time while I am journaling to write down my goals that I would like to accomplish. I don't make a limit of what these are, just any goals that I have I write down. The other thing I make sure to do every time I journal is to write down a prayer list. This is a list of all things I need to pray about. Then I look back at days prior and see what I need to continue to pray about. At the conclusion of my journaling session I take time to talk to God. Mainly my prayer list has included balance and positivity.

The last thing that I have been trying to implement into my daily routine is meditation. I got this app called Timeless for my Apple Watch and have been using this to take time to mediate once through my days. I have read in so many different articles how beneficial meditating can be when you are stressed, I am not sure yet if it working for me, but I have high hopes! You can find the Timeless app here.

I hope if you're in college and feeling overwhelmed that you know you're not alone and maybe you can try some of what I have been implementing.

Outfit details from move-in day:  Champion Cutout Leggings | T-Shirt | Sneakers


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